Sunday, November 30, 2008

Ichiban (first)

This is the first entry of my new blog. I had been randomly posting on a blog I was "supposedly" committed to when we moved to Japan almost 2 years ago. There are 7 posts, the topic of most of them is how I'm going to be really consistent about blogging. I also know two other ladies who use this site, and I love the way their blogs look, and at least this way maybe someone will read it.

So, I hope you're all excited to read about my misadventures and blunders in Japan. It's sure to be filled with creepy crawlies (mostly centipedes), competitive chocolate hunting as a sport, and my embarassing moments(which happen frequently). Stay tuned, and please ignore my poor grammar and punctuation.....I'm a lover not an English Teacher. Wait, I take that back. I am an English teacher....but only to young Japanese children who aren't yet aware that the world of English goes beyond Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, and flashcards of fruits and vegetables.


Katie said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I can't wait to see what you have to say and see the pictures you'll be posting :)

Drea said...

Welcome to Blogger Laurel - I'm looking forward to reading your blogs on here and keeping in touch. :)